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"I felt thy torture, son; with such mixed joy
As pain and virtue give."


-Percy Bysshe Shelley, from
Prometheus Unbound (Act 1)

Promethean Coffee

Hi, this is Adam Wilde, 
And my next adventure is called Promethean Coffee.

I commissioned Makayla Blum, @mblumart to create my logo as a representation of the Promethean myth in a certain style. I anticipate more art creations in the future, but starting here, I want to explain a few things for those interested.

In one version of the myth, Prometheus has compassion on the suffering of humanity, and wants to bring them divine fire. He grabs a fennel stalk and lights it with some of the fire, bringing it to the humans against the will of Zeus. As punishment, Zeus chains Prometheus to a rock and sends an eagle each day to tear out Prometheus' liver for eternity (an organ which the Greeks believed housed the seat of emotions). Because Prometheus is an immortal titan, his liver would regenerate so it would be ready to be painfully ripped out again the next day.

I will later go into detail about why I relate to this so much, but for now I will say that the creation of new things for me often entails an entrance into suffering, and in another way, suffering often produces new creation and meaning in my life.

In this next season, I will be using metaphorical and literal fire to keep roasting coffee and create meaning and purpose in my life and those around me. This type of activity is what I think my Creator intended for me. I will perhaps share more about that later at some point as well.

I love curating, roasting, tasting, discussing, and bringing coffee to people. This is for myself as much as it is for others. We are all connected. My community has strengthened me despite the existential suffering I feel I must endure. I hope to do the same for my community.

Continuing forth, I hope to keep following the ethical standards of coffee which my many trainers and specialty coffee industry professionals here in the Pacific Northwest hold and maintain in the highest regard. I want to thank them for their influence and wisdom which they have bestowed on me thus far. They helped me capture a fire that I look forward to sharing with others.

Please message me for any coffee inquiries or if you want to engage in discussion about the stories of our lives and their meanings.

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